
A letter to our National Healthcare Client Outlining Effects of Covid-19 on Seattle Region
Covid-19 has had immediate and substantial impact on the greater Seattle region. Economically, the quarantine and social distancing have...
Apr 23, 20203 min read

What We Got Right, and What We Got Wrong
Back in January, we made some projections for what would happen in the 2019 Seattle market, here's what we got right and what we got wrong.
Jan 24, 20201 min read

Seattle’s Recession. What Recession?
It is hard to ignore all the noise from the press, who promote the impending recession of the US economy as well as the global economy....
Oct 3, 20192 min read

WeWork IPO News
In April, we produced an article called “Is WeWork a Bubble”. Given the IPO struggles and a closer look at their books (not close enough...
Sep 12, 20192 min read

Seattle Office Market Quarterly Update
This Quarterly Report has been sounding the same for 7 years now… For those waiting for the Seattle economy to crash because traditional...
Jul 31, 20192 min read

Is WeWork a Bubble?
Some background WeWork recently announced it had losses totaling 1.9 Billion in 2018. Comparably, Uber lost 1.8 Billion ($2.2B in 2017!)...
Apr 12, 20192 min read

Millennials vs Gen Z
It’s time to talk about a new generation--Gen Z. They are still small in the workplace but don’t rule them out. Gen Z are like...
Apr 3, 20191 min read

Where is the relief?
With rental rates in the downtown core pushing $47 per square foot on average, more and more companies have opted to explore neighboring...
Mar 15, 20191 min read

Looking Back 20 Years: Dot-Com vs Today
The 90’s were a magical time. Incredibly strong economy. Growing and exciting employment. Overnight wealth. The American Dream realized…...
Mar 5, 20191 min read

Why We Should be Thanking Amazon
As you may have seen in the PSBJ and confirmed by our contacts in the industry, Amazon will not be moving into their new Rainier Tower...
Jan 30, 20191 min read

Seattle is #12 on Best Places in America for Starting a Business
** Blog Post from** The city once known best for its cloudy weather is now booming with big tech's clouds. In the 1970s, amid...
Jan 25, 20191 min read

The #1 Office Perk? Natural Light.
By Jeanne C. Meister at Harvad Business Review The news headlines about what perks or elements of office design make for a great employee...
Jan 25, 20195 min read

Moving Offices?
Why an Internal Real Estate Committee Should Be Your First Move. “I feel like we just signed our last lease!” You are busy growing your...
Jan 25, 20192 min read

The Big Dilemma
Long term office lease with uncertainty on near term growth. Your company is growing and somewhere on your laundry list of “TO DOs” is...
Jan 25, 20192 min read

How important is natural light in my office?
Harvard Business Review has natural light as the #1 office perk. Natural light and views of the outdoors outweighs amenities like onsite...
Jan 10, 20191 min read

Is CoWorking Seattle's next Bubble?
WeWork is about to control 1.4 Million Square Feet of space in the Puget Sound. That is the equivalent of Columbia Center. WeWork now...
Jan 10, 20192 min read

Waterfront News - Further Development!
Myrtle E. Woldson, businesswoman and philanthropist, fought hard against Seattle City Council to keep her property on the Seattle...
Jan 10, 20191 min read

How Bad Will the Viaduct Closure be for my Commute?
REALLY BAD... Go to your calendar and mark the dates January 11 – February 1, 2019. The viaduct closed 2 years ago causing traffic 2x...
Jan 4, 20191 min read

Is Working From Home the Answer?
Traffic is terrible and technology allows us to be as efficient in a coffee shop as we are at our office. As long as productivity remains...
Jan 4, 20191 min read

Projections for the 2019 Office Market
Vacancy Rate will drop below 4%. The lowest rate since the “.com bubble” in the late 90’s Available space, especially good space, will...
Jan 4, 20192 min read